Midnight Voices at Friends Meeting at Cambridge

Thursday, November 20, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

“the young dead soldiers do not speak,
Nevertheless they are heard in the still houses: who has not heard them?
they have a silence that speaks for them at night when the clock counts”

Archibald MacLeish

Calling all poets, slammers, word smiths, lyricists, play writes, rappers, misfits, musicians and anyone who has the gift of gab! We are hosting Midnight Voices, a monthly collaborative coffeehouse, spoken word, and poetry series at Friends Meetinghouse Cambridge (5 Longfellow Park). This event is open to everyone. This month’s featured reader is Vietnam veteran Doug Anderson.

After the featured reader, there will be 5 min open mic slots available to anyone. We encourage first timers and seasoned performers to come out. We are actively seeking co-sponsors and talent to be featured readers in upcoming months. If you have any ideas about this or want any other information please contact Eric Wasileski Ericwasileski@gmail.com

Doug Anderson’s first full-length book of poems, The Moon Reflected Fire, won the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, and his second book, Blues for Unemployed Secret Police, a grant from the Academy of American Poets. He has received grants and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the Massachusetts Artists Foundation and other funding organizations.
He has taught at Smith and Emerson Colleges, and in the MFA programs at Bennington College and Pacific University of Oregon. He was for many years a teaching affiliate of the Joiner Center for the Study of War and It’s Social Consequences at UMASS Boston. His memoir, Keep Your Head Down, was published by W.W. Norton in 2009. He has just completed a new book of poems, Horse Medicine, and poems from that collection can be found in forthcoming, past and current editions of Poetry, The Massachusetts Review, Prairie Schooner, Field, Cimarron Review, and other publications. A writer and photographer, he lives in Palmer, Massachusetts, where he is director of development for Blue Star Equiculture, a horse rescue facility and organic farm. He is working on a novel about Ambrose Bierce.