Sunday, August 30, 12:00 noon, QVS Welcoming Potluck

The-QVS-ExperienceMeet and welcome the eight Quaker Voluntary Service Boston Fellows as they arrive for their first Meeting For Worship at FMC. Come find out more about these young adults and their upcoming journeys as they embark on their eleven months of service while practicing Quaker process in living together as a community in a house in Dorchester. Their work placement sites this year are:

  • VISIONS, Inc.;
  • United for a Fair Economy;
  • Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program;
  • American Friends Service Committee together with the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute;
  • Metrowest Worker Center-Casa;
  • Codman Academy Charter Public School;
  • Public Conversations Project; and
  • CDA Collaborative Learning Projects.

To learn more about this program, go to Quaker Voluntary Service. We hope you’ll be able to join us for the potluck as a way of extending a warm and embracing welcome to these young adults as they arrive to spend their year with FMC as their host community. For more ways to be involved contact: Barbara LeSage or Hilary Burgin