Global Warming Workshop with Senator Barrett, November 5


Senator Michael Barrett

An Opportunity to Address Global Warming with State Senator Michael Barrett
Thursday, November 5, 6:30–9:00 pm, at Friends Meeting at Cambridge

Refreshments will be served
Register by emailing

Advocate for lower carbon emissions in Massachusetts with a revenue-neutral carbon fee and rebate returns to citizens.

Participate in the Thursday, November 5, workshop with State Senator Michael Barrett.

Build individual and interfaith support for Senator Barrett’s Massachusetts legislation to effectively curb CO2 emissions:

Senate Carbon Fee Bill #1747

Influence the legislative process at critical points along the path to adoption. Modeled after successful legislation in British Columbia, this bill supports an efficient and reduced use of CO2 emitting resources in day-today life, and the rewards Massachusetts citizens with rebates.

There will also be pro-action planning, seeking publicly visible ways to raise awareness about this bill.

Presented by Cambridge Quaker Earthcare Witness (CQEW)