October 13, 2016, Evolutionary Spirituality: Awakening to the New Story

Thursday, October 13, 2016, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

All Saints Parish

(1773 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA, —
Corner of Beacon and Dean Road on the (C) Cleveland Circle Green Line)

A one day workshop presented by the New Story Group
—an interfaith group working to understand the cultural narrative sourced in science and in spiritual traditions.
We seek wisdom to respond to the crises of our time.

Part 1: The New World View of Science and Philosophy
Part 2: Transformed Identity and Spiritual Experience
Part 3: Spirituality and Action

Workshops include informal presentations, discussions, and experiential exercises. We will
share personal stories to inspire us to step into the ongoing conversation.
Lunch and refreshments included. Suggested donation $10
Optional registration at Eventbrite website

Sponsored by Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries and Friends Meeting at Cambridge

The New Story explores the synthesis between scientific discoveries, an emerging sense of spirituality, a new understanding of the universe, and our place in it. The “old story” of how the world came to be and the dualism between matter and spirit is no longer adequate. Evolution, including the evolution of consciousness is ongoing. We are part of that evolution—transforming and being transformed—as we recognize the sacredness of the universe and our interconnection with all creation.

“We are between stories….Yet we have not learned the new story.”

Thomas Berry