FMC Observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance–Sunday, November 19

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), observed annually on November 20, was instituted in 1999 to honor those who have lost their lives due to violence against transgender people. The large majority of victims of anti-trans violence are transgender women of color.

Friends Meeting at Cambridge is planning to observe TDOR on Sunday November 19, beginning with a Forum sponsored by the LGBTQ+ Working Group. We plan to have a basket of stones, each inscribed with the name of a person who lost their life in the past year due to anti-trans violence. Those who attend Forum and/or Meeting for Worship will be invited to carry a stone into worship. The stone is not meant to set a theme, but is an invitation to hold the person whose name is inscribed upon it, the individual’s loved ones, and the worldwide transgender community in the Light.