Cornelia Parkes

Cornelia Parkes

Quakers Join the Pride Parade, June 11, 2016, UPDATE!

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Witness: Alewife Poets Benefit Reading. Sunday, June 5, 3:00 pm

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Family Retreat in Alfred, ME, May 28-30, 2016

Retreat Information and Registration form

Peterson Toscano April 9 at 4:30 pm

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All Meeting Spring Retreat, March 18-20, 2016

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The Wonder of It All! February 18, 2016

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White Privilege Conference in Philadelphia, April 15-17, 2016

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Women’s Silent Retreat, April 29–May 1, 2016

Miramar Retreat Center, Duxbury, MA

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Global Warming Workshop with Senator Barrett, November 5


Senator Michael Barrett

An Opportunity to Address Global Warming with State Senator Michael Barrett
Thursday, November 5, 6:30–9:00 pm, at Friends Meeting at Cambridge

Refreshments will be served
Register by emailing

Advocate for lower carbon emissions in Massachusetts with a revenue-neutral carbon fee and rebate returns to citizens.

Participate in the Thursday, November 5, workshop with State Senator Michael Barrett.

Build individual and interfaith support for Senator Barrett’s Massachusetts legislation to effectively curb CO2 emissions:

Senate Carbon Fee Bill #1747

Influence the legislative process at critical points along the path to adoption. Modeled after successful legislation in British Columbia, this bill supports an efficient and reduced use of CO2 emitting resources in day-today life, and the rewards Massachusetts citizens with rebates.

There will also be pro-action planning, seeking publicly visible ways to raise awareness about this bill.

Presented by Cambridge Quaker Earthcare Witness (CQEW)

Midnight Voices, October 15

“The young dead soldiers do not speak,
Nevertheless they are heard in the still houses: who has not heard them?
They have a silence that speaks for them at night when the clock counts.”

Archibald MacLeish

Midnight Voices

Calling all poets, slammers, wordsmiths, lyricists, playwrights, rappers, misfits, musicians and anyone who has the gift of gab! We are hosting Midnight Voices, a monthly collaborative coffeehouse, spoken word, and poetry series at Cambridge Friends Meeting House , 7:00 pm, October 15. This event is open to everyone. This month’s featured reader is Al Johnson

Al Johnson is a Vietnam Era veteran who served from 1969 to 1971. He subsequently participated in the G.I. anti-war coffeehouse movement, VVAW, and is presently a board member of the Smedley Butler Brigade of VFP. He has had two professional careers which have somewhat overlapped as a teacher and lawyer. He has written for various blogs and small publications on the subjects of war, the plight of veterans, progressive politics, music and other cultural matters.

After the featured reader, there will be 5 minute open mic slots available to anyone. We encourage first timers and seasoned performers to come out. We are actively seeking co-sponsors and talent to be featured readers in upcoming months. If you have any ideas about this or want any other information please contact Eric Wasileski

Warrior Writers Boston and the Smedley D Butler Brigade Chapter 9 VFP, Veteran-Friends in conjunction with the FMC Peace and Social Concerns committee are hosting. These events are open to everyone. Next month’s reader is Marc Levy on November 19.