Cornelia Parkes

Cornelia Parkes

New Lights, Fall 2015

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New Lights: An Introduction to Quakerism. Join us to explore topics on Quaker Faith and Practice: worship, prayer, spiritual practices, community aspects, Quaker history, and more! There will be something for everyone, newcomers or long-timers.

For more information, contact Sharon Frame, Resident Friend,

Sunday, October 25

  • 6:45 pm Gather for snacks
  • 7:00 pm Opening Worship and Introduction
  • 7:15 pm Intro to Quaker Business Practice – (Tom Sander or Jan Nisenbaum)
  • 7:30 pm Serving on FMC Committee, Becoming a Member
  • 7:45 pm Group Response
  • 8:00 pm Break
  • 8:10 pm Listening and Being Led to Social Witness and Action (Cornelia Parkes, Larisa Heiphetz, Lynn Lazar)
  • 8:45 pm Group Response
  • 9:05 pm Closing Remarks and Closing Worship

Healing Earth, Healing Self, November 7,


The Work that Reconnects

Saturday, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm; arrive at 8:30 am for breakfast treats

Fresh Pond Monthly Meeting invites Friends to a one-day workshop at Cambridge Friends Meeting on “The Work That Reconnects.” The program, based on the work of Joanna Macy, a Buddhist philosopher, educator and activist will introduce participants to this approach in a Quaker context.

  • Do you experience denial, despair and grief in the face of the social and ecological challenges of our time?
  • Would you like to build motivation, creativity, courage and solidarity for the transition to a sustainable human culture?

This workshop is designed to help people address difficult emotions that arise as we grapple with global struggles. It can also help participants identify leadings for creating a more just, peaceful and sustainable world, and nurture those who are already active. Come speak the truth of your experience on an endangered planet, and share gratitude and fellowship as we move towards a more engaged and committed life.

To register for the workshop, use this link

For more information, contact Kathleen McLeod,, or Will Taber,

Saturday, June 6, Mount Monadnock Climb with Friends Camp


Friends Meeting at Cambridge (FMC) folks will be joining the Friends Camp Mount Monadnock Climb again this year!

Attached please find an invitation with more details from Friends Camp Director Nat Shed, as well as a registration form to go as part of our FMC group.Please register by this Sunday, May 31, so we can do our best to help arrange carpools. Here are a few details about the day:

  • 8:00 am Meet at FMC
  • 10:00 am Hike
  • 6:00 pm (approx.) Return
  • $10 Per person to cover the State Park parking fee and gas (financial aid available upon request)
  • Bring a lunch to eat on the mountain

Hope you can make it!

Sunday, August 30, 12:00 noon, QVS Welcoming Potluck

The-QVS-ExperienceMeet and welcome the eight Quaker Voluntary Service Boston Fellows as they arrive for their first Meeting For Worship at FMC. Come find out more about these young adults and their upcoming journeys as they embark on their eleven months of service while practicing Quaker process in living together as a community in a house in Dorchester. Their work placement sites this year are:

  • VISIONS, Inc.;
  • United for a Fair Economy;
  • Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program;
  • American Friends Service Committee together with the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute;
  • Metrowest Worker Center-Casa;
  • Codman Academy Charter Public School;
  • Public Conversations Project; and
  • CDA Collaborative Learning Projects.

To learn more about this program, go to Quaker Voluntary Service. We hope you’ll be able to join us for the potluck as a way of extending a warm and embracing welcome to these young adults as they arrive to spend their year with FMC as their host community. For more ways to be involved contact: Barbara LeSage or Hilary Burgin

FMC Family Retreat May 23-25

Our Memorial Day Family Retreat starts Saturday and goes through Monday noon. The deadline for registration is May 15. My family has attended this retreat every year for the last twelve years. What brings us back every year? Mostly, it’s the chance to connect with other families in a way that just isn’t possible during our Sunday coffee hour. The Maine retreat also offers children the opportunity to spend extended time together and explore the outdoors.

The retreat takes place at the Notre Dame Spiritual Center, a retirement community of Franciscan brothers. There is a playing field just behind Denis Hall, our dorm. Nearby is a chapel, a Shaker museum, the Notre Dame Bakery, a very active frog pond, and woods with paths leading to a small cemetery, a Catholic shrine, and a herd of cows. Beautiful Bunganut Lake, where we swim and picnic, is just a short drive away.

Most rooms come with three twin beds; there are usually more than we need, allowing plenty of room for families to spread out. All-you-can-eat meals are served in the cafeteria, and are especially popular with kids. A typical dinner might be lasagna, ham, or roast chicken. There is always a salad bar with fresh fruit and vegetarian options. Families also bring snacks and goodies from home, which can be stored in our own fridge. Not having to cook or wash up is one of the most relaxing aspects of this experience!

While our retreats are loosely structured, we generally plan a few activities. For example, some adults might volunteer to lead games; kickball and Ultimate Frisbee are favorites. Typically, we break into small groups and just go exploring. Kids sometimes bring nets (see photo on flyer) for catching and inspecting frogs before returning them to the pondWe usually organize a swimming outing on Saturday or Sunday. When it’s chilly or rainy, there are ping-pong and pool tables in the recreation room. We also bring cards and board games, and organize craft activities such as beading, felting, or bracelet making when kids need to take a quiet break.

After dinner, there is always stargazing, night walks, and sometimes music, if people want to bring instruments. After the kids are asleep, parents often gather downstairs in the library for conversation.

On Sunday morning we meet for silent worship in the parlor– conveniently overflowing with cushions. The kids enjoy stacking their cushions into towers or build “Meeting Forts” to lounge in during this peaceful hour

I hope this paints a fuller picture of one of our favorite traditions! If you have any questions, please feel free to write or call 617-232-0937.

Midnight Voices, March 19

The young dead soldiers do not speak,
Nevertheless they are heard in the still houses: who has not heard them?
they have a silence that speaks for them at night when the clock counts

Archibald MacLeish

Calling all poets, slammers, word smiths, lyricists, play writes, rappers, misfits, musicians and anyone who has the gift of gab! We are hosting Midnight Voices, a monthly collaborative coffeehouse, spoken word, and poetry series at Friends Meetinghouse Cambridge (5 Longfellow Park) 7:00 pm March 19, 2015. This event is open to everyone. This month’s featured reader is Melida Arredondo.

Melida is a community activist in Boston and has been especially active with suicide prevention, her family has had to deal with veteran suicide. She is also active with Warrior Writers, and is the spouse of Carlos Arredondo, known for his peace work and for his work during the Boston Marathon bombing.

After the featured reader, there will be 5 min open mic slots available to anyone. We encourage first timers and seasoned performers to come out. We are actively seeking co-sponsors and talent to be featured readers in upcoming months. If you have any ideas about this or want any other information please contact Eric Wasileski

Warrior Writers Boston and the Smedley D Butler Brigade Chapter 9 VFP, Veteran-Friends in conjunction with the FMC Peace and Social Concerns committee are hosting. These events are open to everyone. Next months featured reader is Preston Hood, April 16th 7:00 pm.

March 20-22, Spring Retreat on “Spiritualty is…”

Friday, March 20, to Sunday, March 22

Register by Sunday, March 15

Join us in Alfred, Maine, for this all-Meeting retreat for all ages.. The retreat offers a great opportunity for reflection, relaxation, fellowship, learning, and connection for families, individuals, and couples. We will explore the theme, “Spirituality is…” looking at spirituality from different standpoints and considering how we live out our essence of spirituality individually and collectively. On-site childcare will be provided by FMC, along with ride-share coordination. Sliding scale of $125-$175; children free. Some partial scholarships available.. Look for registration forms in the Friends Center foyer or here. Also see our agenda.

April 10-11, Couple Enrichment Workshop

Couple Enrichment Half-Weekend Workshop for Couples

A program of Friends General Conference

Couple Enrichment for Friends, with Mary Kay Glazer and Mark Moss of New York Yearly Meeting

April 10 -11 2015

At Friends Meeting at Cambridge

Sponsored by FMC Marriage & Family Life

Do you have a pretty good relationship with your life partner and think things could be even better? This retreat may be just right for you. During the weekend, you will have a chance to celebrate your relationship and one another’s gifts, talk and listen deeply to each other, deepen your relationship as a path to spiritual growth, and nurture the sense of joy that comes from feeling fully yourself in relation to your partner.

This workshop is for couples in a committed relationship regardless of marital status or sexual orientation. The activities will support two essential skills – the ability to speak one’s own truth and the ability to listen deeply to the other, giving you the chance to explore who you are now as individuals and as a couple.

Friday 5:30-9:30 pm & Saturday 9:00 am -6:00 pm at Friends Meeting at Cambridge. Meals included. Limited to ten couples. Register now to reserve your spots with checks to FMC for $160 per couple, memo field: M&FL. Don’t let money keep you away. Childcare provided with notice. Contact Patti Muldoon at or 781-648-1019 for more information.

Mary Kay Glazer & Mark Moss live in Ticonderoga, NY, and have been leading Couple Enrichment retreats for ten years. They are members of Rochester NY Monthly Meeting & attend Middlebury VT Monthly Meeting & the Ticonderoga Worship Group. Rochester Monthly Meeting & New York Yearly Meeting support Mark & Mary’s ministry as released Friends.

Register now

Saturday, April 11, 6:30pm, Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) Benefit Concert, with John Scardina and Friends

AVP Benefit Concert

(click to enlarge)

You are invited to join an evening of food and song as a benefit for Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) peace programs in El Salvador. Visiting Quaker, John Scardina, will sing and entertain us. Sponsored by P&SC Committee.

For John Scardina, AVP in El Salvador is an expression of his Quaker values. For many Salvadorans, AVP is a matter of life and death. Without additional funding, this life giving program will have to shut itself down.

John Scardina and Friends will perform a mixture of musical numbers from Nina Simone to Mumford and Sons. “We play whenever we can,” John said, describing the band’s music as “alternative folk rock.”

AVP is an international organization of volunteers who teach and practice non-violent conflict resolution, particularly in prisons.

Today, El Salvador continues to reel from decades of violence and poverty caused largely by American interference. Many people, even in tiny villages, experience murder and live with trauma. AVP El Salvador works with gangs, former prostitutes and juvenile delinquents.

Please come and celebrate with an evening of music and food and help AVP continue their work in El Salvador.

Suggested donation $25 (dinner & music) — Children free
RSVP appreciated — • 617.354.3808

Sunday, April 19, 12:30 pm, Learning with Debby Irving

Learning with Debby Irving: Friends for Racial Justice is bringing local author of Waking Up White and racial justice activist, Debby Irving to FMC for a discussion of her book. She will answer questions and lead us in some thought-provoking activities to support our learning more about the challenges and possibilities for racial justice learning and activism as individuals and as a faith community.  High School and older are welcome.

Please bring a lunch for yourself and a dessert to share.  For childcare or questions call or write Polly Attwood at 617-354-3297, or Chris Clamp at

See our flyer here.