Cornelia Parkes

Cornelia Parkes

Material Assistance Program (MAP) Tag Sale at FMC

Friday, November 7, 5:30-8:00 pm

Saturday, November 8, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

The Materials Assistance Program (MAP) of the American Friends Service Committee is located in the basement of the Friends Meeting at Cambridge meeting house. This very popular tag sale will be held in the FMC Center at 5 Longfellow Park, Cambridge, MA. Directions are here.

We invite you to donate good quality merchandise that no longer seems to fit in your home. We are particularly interested in

  • high-end clothing,
  • jewelry
  • quality decorative objects
  • hand bags
  • scarves
  • china

There will be bins outside of the MAP room in which you can deposit your contributions or, if you wish a receipt, you can bring them to the MAP room between 9:00 am and noon or between 1:00-3:00 pm on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

Since we need time to sort and tag all of the contributions, we ask that you bring your donations to the Meeting House by Sunday, November 2nd. Thank you for your support.

Cassie Hurd
Program Coordinator, MAP

Midnight Voices at Friends Meeting at Cambridge

Thursday, November 20, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

“the young dead soldiers do not speak,
Nevertheless they are heard in the still houses: who has not heard them?
they have a silence that speaks for them at night when the clock counts”

Archibald MacLeish

Calling all poets, slammers, word smiths, lyricists, play writes, rappers, misfits, musicians and anyone who has the gift of gab! We are hosting Midnight Voices, a monthly collaborative coffeehouse, spoken word, and poetry series at Friends Meetinghouse Cambridge (5 Longfellow Park). This event is open to everyone. This month’s featured reader is Vietnam veteran Doug Anderson.

After the featured reader, there will be 5 min open mic slots available to anyone. We encourage first timers and seasoned performers to come out. We are actively seeking co-sponsors and talent to be featured readers in upcoming months. If you have any ideas about this or want any other information please contact Eric Wasileski

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Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change

Paula Palmer-091

Toward Right Relationship with America’s Native Peoples

7:00 pm, Sunday, October 26, 2014

Paula Palmer of Boulder (CO) Monthly Meeting will visit FMC on her East Coast tour to present this program she developed with Canadian First Nation leaders. Learn more about the power of the Blanket Exercise, in the aftermath of our decision in Business Meeting in Worship to repudiate the Doctrine of Christian Discovery.

Paula Palmer is a sociologist, writer, and activist for human rights, social justice, and environmental protection and director of Toward Right Relationship, a project of the Indigenous Peoples Concerns committee of the Boulder Friends Meeting (Quakers).

Cosmic Therapy with Jennifer Morgan

Jennifer Morgan

The New Story’s Therapeutic Value for Individuals and Communities

7:00 pm, Monday, October 27, 2014

Our foundational Cosmologies/Worldviews are the lens that we use to look at everything. How do they impact us on all levels, in ways we don’t even recognize, enlivening or deadening us? Historians, grade school teachers and churches are recognizing the integrating, healing potential of our New Origin Story. Come to a brown-bag supper with Jennifer Morgan at 6pm.

Jennifer Morgan is President of the Deep Time Journey Network and award-winning author of a Universe Story Trilogy for children that is used in classrooms around the world.

Sponsored by the New Story Group at FMC.