Avison Fund


David Avison took this panoramic photograph of students from the Manning Elementary School in Jamaica Plain after they performed a holiday concert at Faneuil Hall Marketplace in December of 2003.

Greetings from the Avison Fund Committee

The Kathryn and Charles Avison-Miriam Avison Chartable Fund at the Boston Foundation (tBf) was established through the estate of a long time attender at Friends Meeting Cambridge. As stated in the estate: “The mission of this fund is to help improve the lives of children: helping them to grow into productive, caring yet savvy human beings.” In 2007, the bequest of this friend invited FMC to act as an advisor to tBf and provide discernment on which organizations will receive grants each year that funds are distributed. The donor also stipulated that up to twenty percent of each year’s disbursements may go to Quaker organizations. (NOTE: Organizations must have 501(c) 3 status to apply and receive funds.)

Beginning in 2009, the Avison Fund Committee, an appointed committee of FMC, is currently making grants between $3,000-10,000.

2018 Avison Funding Cycle

Attached here are the 2018 RFP and deadlines.

2017 Avison Funding Cycle

The following groups are past recipients of this funding (*groups that received grants in 2017):

• AFSC- Youth Justice-Newark Project (Quaker)
• AFSC- Wabanaki Youth Project*
• ALDEA (Advancing Local Development through Empowerment and Action in Guatemala)*
• Artists for Humanity*
• Association for India’s Development
• Bikes Not Bombs
• Boston Mobilization for Survival*
• Boston Youth Sanctuary*
• Cambridge Friends School (Quaker)
• Cambridge School Volunteers
• Camp Onas
• The Children’s Room
• The City School
• The Convergence Ensemble*
• Freedom House*
• First Teacher
• Friends Camp(ME/Quaker)*
• Friends Children’s Center (New Haven)
• Friends of Kakemega (Quaker) *
• Friends Peace Libraries-Rwanda (Quaker) *
• Friends of Rafael Hernandez School
• Germaine Lawrence School
• Home Start
• Neighborhood Developers(Chelsea)*
• Project Right
• Sibling Connections*
• Silverlining Mentoring