Bolivian Fund

Fidel Chigua Carani

Fidel Cigua Carani
Fidel Chigua Carani is the new Bolivian Quaker Education Fund student who receives support from Friends Meeting at Cambridge. You can help support Fidel by contributing directly to the Bolivian Quaker Education Fund at . You can learn more about Fidel from his introductory letter below. For more information, contact Richard Barran (FMC’s representative to BQEF) at or 617-876-5524.

Read Fidel’s letter from April, 2017, here.



Wendy Evelyn Tito Patty

Wendy Tito Patty

Wendy Evelyn Tito Patty was a Bolivian Quaker Education Fund student who receiveed support from Friends Meeting at Cambridge. For more about this program see the Bolivian Quaker Education Fund or ask Minga

The scholarship offers a unique chance for interchange (intercambio). We offer friendship and money for tuition to Wendy Patty. Don’t be bashful about writing her in either English or Spanish at

Read Wendy’s letter of April 4, 2014, in Spanish or translated by Katy Cullinan.

Read Wendy’s letter of April 2, 2015, in Spanish or in or English or abbreviated translated by Katy Cullinan.

Read Wendy’s update from June-July, 2015, in English.

May 18, 2015
Dear Cambridge Friends,

Thank you so much for donating to Wendy’s scholarship by way of Bolivian Quaker Education Fund (BQEF). To maintain a strong friendship of prayer and support, please write Wendy, even if it’s a few sentences in English. Wendy receives our scholarship in monthly payments (about $50 per month). She expects to graduate in November 2015.

Bolivia, the poorest country in South America, has 30,000 Quakers there, and many of them want to know about Quakers in the USA. In 2014, two Cambridge youth, Chloe Barran and Elias Borne, visited among Bolivian Friends. Please let us know if you want more information.

Richard Barran, Lynn Cadwallader, Minga Claggett-Borne