How To Get Involved

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. —Matthew 7:7-8

Friends are also known as Seekers, so by seeking us out, you have already started your journey as a Friend.

Here are some next steps:

• Introduce yourself after meeting
• Write your contact information in our guest book
• Go to Afterthoughts
• Join us at Fellowship Hour
• Come to a Newcomer Meal
• Attend a Forum
• Sign up to receive FMC publications or join the email list-serve
• Fill out a Newcomer Card
Attend Meeting for Worship again.

Ready for some further steps?

• Attend Meeting for Business
• Help with refreshments for Fellowship Hour
• Attend Sunday Potlucks
• Join the Young Adult Friends Group
• Participate in witness activities on Climate, Peace and Justice, and Racial Justice.
• Attend meeting retreats and other events
• Visit some committees and groups that interest you.
Keep attending Meeting for Worship



Afterthoughts is a small group gathering in the library or parlor immediately following Meeting for Worship which offers the opportunity for anyone to ask questions or discuss their experiences in Meeting For Worship. Somewhere between 2 to 10 people attend this half-hour gathering and it is generally a mix of new and seasoned Friends. Afterthoughts has a myriad of purposes. For attenders, it can be helpful to attend if you’re new and have questions, have lingering thoughts from worship that you want to share or explore, or are interested in joining this meeting and want to know about the process. For members and those steeped in Quakerism, it can be helpful to attend when challenging questions arise for you in Meeting or when you have a deeply moving experience in Meeting and want to explore this further with others. Afterthoughts is led by members of the Membership Committee. For more information, contact with subject: “attn. Afterthoughts”


Fellowship Hour

All are invited to join our informal gathering for refreshments and light snacks in the Friends Room immediately following the rise of Meeting on Sunday mornings.  This is a time when Friends mingle and meet others new to FMC or who are visiting.


Newcomer Meal

We are a large Quaker community, and it can be challenging to figure out how to navigate or discover all the wonderful opportunities available at FMC. These meals are designed to welcome newcomers to our community and provide a smaller, informal setting for getting to know one another. They also provide an opportunity to ask questions and the chance to find out more about FMC and Quakerism in general. Newcomer Meals are held 3 times per year – one in fall, winter, and spring. If you would like to be added to our Email List to receive a reminder about the next upcoming Newcomer Meal, send an email to and request to be added.



Calendar of Events
A monthly list of events at Friends Meeting at Cambridge is posted on the Events page.

Our monthly Newsletter aims to capture the spirit and life of our community, and lists details for the events and happenings occurring during the month. It is designed to reflect the concerns and perspectives of our community and welcomes contributions of prose, poetry, or art (about 500 words or less). Submissions should be sent to by the middle of the month. To receive the Newsletter by email, send a request to

Announcement Sheets
The weekly Announcement Sheet lists events for Sunday and the following week may be viewed on our Welcome page or picked up at the Meeting House. To receive the Announcement Sheet by email, send a request to To submit text or art files for publication, send an email to by Tuesday midnight for the following Sunday.

Email List-Serve
This List-Serve provides an avenue for community members to be able to quickly communicate announcements, requests, or information to other community members through an email group list. Participation in this group is voluntary and it serves as a way to foster networking, connection, and support among the FMC community. To join the FMC Email List-Serve, read the Guidelines for Google List carefully. Then send an email to indicating that you agree to the guidelines and would like to join the List. You will receive a separate email from Google Groups with an invitation and instructions on how to be added to the List.


Newcomer Card

Let us know about your interests and how to contact you by filling out a simple yellow card available on the table on the left as you exit the Meetinghouse or on line here.


Help at Fellowship Hour

Each week volunteers set up the coffee & tea, bring a light snack for others to share, and clean-up afterwards. This is a great volunteer opportunity for someone new to Meeting to get involved without making a long-term commitment. To sign up as a volunteer for the Sunday morning that fits your schedule, send an email to



Holiday Potlucks
Potlucks are held on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

Business Meeting Potlucks
On the second Sunday of each month from September through June, a potluck is held following Fellowship Hour so that those attending Meeting for Business will have the opportunity to eat before beginning the meeting at 1:15. All are welcome to attend both.


Meeting Retreats

Several of the FMC committees plan and host retreats at different times throughout the year.

Fellowship & Outreach Retreats
Each March, the Fellowship & Outreach Committee hosts an all Meeting weekend retreat. The main purpose of these retreats is to foster fellowship, deepen our spiritual and personal connections to one another, and to have fun and hopefully experience relaxation too. Each year, a theme is selected and workshops are offered based on those themes. In recent years, the themes have included: Simplicity, Compassionate Communication, and Environmental Stewardship. For information about the next retreat, look in upcoming Newsletters or send an email to

Ministry & Counsel Retreats
Periodically throughout the year, the Ministry & Counsel Committee will host day-long and sometimes weekend long retreats. Themes in past years have been “Exploring Our Individual & Shared Identity as FMC Quakers” and “An Exploration of Forgiveness”. For more information about any upcoming retreats send an email to with subject: “attn. M&C”

Women’s Silent Retreats
Twice a year, in the fall and spring, a group of FMC women participate in a Quaker silent retreat weekend. In the silence that begins on Friday evening and ends on Sunday morning after meeting for worship, all are held with a loving presence and in silent interaction. Some fellowship time occurs at the beginning and end of the retreat. Collective worship times are available in the morning and the evening and are held in the usual FMC manner, open to messages. For more information, send an email to with subject: “attn. Marina Rothman.”