State of Society

I have no full definition to give of the word ‘Spiritual’–which ranks high among the elusive words of the language…I hope myself that it will always escape capture and definition; we want some human-divine words, which belong both to earth and heaven; with meanings rooted in experience, but springing up into the regions where we walk by faith rather than by sight.

William Charles Braithwaite (1862-1922)
Christian faith and practice in the experience of the Society of Friends
London Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 1960. P 88.

As stated in the book of Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends (1985, p. 244) at the end of each calendar year, Ministry and Counsel of New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) asks monthly meetings to prepare a State of Society Report. The report should be a searching self-examination by the meeting and its members of their spiritual strengths and weaknesses and of the efforts made to foster growth in the spiritual life. Reports may cover the full range of interest and concerns but should emphasize those indicative of the spiritual health of the meeting.