
donationsIn order for the Meeting to continue to provide a place of worship, welcome, peace, love, spiritual challenge, service and social witness, it needs the financial support of its members, attenders, and well-wishers.

To contribute, you can

  1. Write a check to Friends Meeting at Cambridge, delivered to the office or mailed to 5 Longfellow Park, Cambridge MA 02138,
  2. Make regular monthly donations from your checking account (contact the office at or 617-876-6883), or
  3. Use this link to make a contribution using PayPal.

    Of these alternatives, the second is most desirable for the Meeting, since it helps us anticipate how much money will be coming in, and it avoids extra fees; but by all means, use any method you find convenient.

  4. Or, if you wish to donate appreciated stock to FMC, please see our Stock Donation Instructions