Unmasking the Domination System

Draft Agenda for Monday, February 26, 2018

Nancy Cirillo, mcirillo@wellesley.edu, clerking

  • 6:30 pm Optional gathering for fellowship with tea and BYO brown-bag supper
  • 7:00 pm Program in Parlor at Friends Meeting at Cambridge, MA,
    • Introductions and announcements
    • Brian Swimme Videos–Gwen Noyes
    • Other items? Please let Nancy know
    • “Unmasking the Domination System”–Cornelia Parkes
      • How we got here from “Agency: A force for evolution”
      • The spirituality of institutions vs. individuals
      • Discussion of Walter Wink’s “Unmasking the Domination System”
    • Proposals for March Program
  • 8:45 pm Closing

Readings for New Story meeting Monday, February 26, 201

  1. How we got here–1 page.
  2. Institutions vs Individuals–1 page and a little more.
  3. Walter Wink’s “Unmasking the Domination System”–10 pages